Clinton County Soil & Water Conservation District

Clinton County Indiana Soil & Water Conservation District

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Who We Are

About Clinton County SWCD

The Clinton County Soil and Water Conservation District (CCSWCD) is a legal subdivision of state government, the only local unit of government responsible for coordinating the conservation of our soil, water, and related natural resources. It is a public body that exercises public powers. The District receives its statutory authority from Indiana District Law (IC 14-32-5-1).

In 1937, Indiana joined states across the nation in forming soil and water conservation districts to provide local leadership in carrying out soil and water conservation programs. In March 1967, The CCSWCD was organized by public referendum in accordance with Indiana Soil Conservation Act., now amended.


Services & Programs

Helping Conserve, Protect and Enhance Natural Resources


Conservation Technical and Financial Assistance Programs

Conserving Resources in Our Watersheds

A watershed is an area of land that drains rainfall into one location such as a stream, lake or wetland.  These waterbodies supply our drinking water, water for agriculture and manufacturing, offer recreational opportunities and provide habitat for a diversity of plants and animals.  Unfortunately, various forms of pollution, including sediment from erosion can negatively impact the health of our watersheds.  Watershed protection is necessary for our community. The Clinton County SWCD and its partners continue to work to protect and maintain the health of watersheds in Clinton County.   State approved Watershed Management Plans are currently being implemented in the S. Fork Wildcat Creek and Brown’s Wonder-Sugar Creek watershed(s).  Ongoing SWCD led conservation programs assist landowners and local government to reduce sediment and nutrients from entering our waterbodies, improve fish and wildlife habitat and improve soil quality.


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